Source code for uncurl.state_estimation

# state estimation with poisson convex mixture model

from .clustering import kmeans_pp, poisson_cluster
from uncurl.nolips import nolips_update_w, objective, sparse_objective
from uncurl.nolips import sparse_nolips_update_w
# try to use parallel; otherwise
#from uncurl.nolips_parallel import sparse_nolips_update_w as parallel_sparse_nolips_update_w
    from uncurl.nolips_parallel import sparse_nolips_update_w as parallel_sparse_nolips_update_w
    print('Warning: cannot import sparse nolips')
    # if parallel can't be used, do not use parallel update function...
from .preprocessing import cell_normalize, log1p

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.utils.extmath import randomized_svd


def _create_w_objective(m, X):
    Creates an objective function and its derivative for W, given M and X (data)

        m (array): genes x clusters
        X (array): genes x cells
    genes, clusters = m.shape
    cells = X.shape[1]
    m_sum = m.sum(0)
    def objective(w):
        # convert w into a matrix first... because it's a vector for
        # optimization purposes
        w = w.reshape((m.shape[1], X.shape[1]))
        d =
        # derivative of objective wrt all elements of w
        # for w_{ij}, the derivative is... m_j1+...+m_jn sum over genes minus 
        # x_ij
        temp = X/d
        m2 =
        deriv = m_sum.reshape((clusters, 1)) - m2
        return np.sum(d - X*np.log(d))/genes, deriv.flatten()/genes
    return objective

def _create_m_objective(w, X):
    Creates an objective function and its derivative for M, given W and X

        w (array): clusters x cells
        X (array): genes x cells
    clusters, cells = w.shape
    genes = X.shape[0]
    w_sum = w.sum(1)
    def objective(m):
        m = m.reshape((X.shape[0], w.shape[0]))
        d =
        temp = X/d
        w2 =
        deriv = w_sum - w2.T
        return np.sum(d - X*np.log(d))/genes, deriv.flatten()/genes
    return objective

[docs]def initialize_from_assignments(assignments, k, max_assign_weight=0.75): """ Creates a weight initialization matrix from Poisson clustering assignments. Args: assignments (array): 1D array of integers, of length cells k (int): number of states/clusters max_assign_weight (float, optional): between 0 and 1 - how much weight to assign to the highest cluster. Default: 0.75 Returns: init_W (array): k x cells """ cells = len(assignments) init_W = np.zeros((k, cells)) for i, a in enumerate(assignments): # entirely arbitrary... maybe it would be better to scale # the weights based on k? init_W[a, i] = max_assign_weight for a2 in range(k): if a2!=a: init_W[a2, i] = (1-max_assign_weight)/(k-1) return init_W/init_W.sum(0)
[docs]def initialize_means(data, clusters, k): """ Initializes the M matrix given the data and a set of cluster labels. Cluster centers are set to the mean of each cluster. Args: data (array): genes x cells clusters (array): 1d array of ints (0...k-1) k (int): number of clusters """ init_w = np.zeros((data.shape[0], k)) if sparse.issparse(data): for i in range(k): if data[:,clusters==i].shape[1]==0: point = np.random.randint(0, data.shape[1]) init_w[:,i] = data[:,point].toarray().flatten() else: # memory usage might be a problem here? init_w[:,i] = np.array(data[:,clusters==i].mean(1)).flatten() + eps else: for i in range(k): if data[:,clusters==i].shape[1]==0: point = np.random.randint(0, data.shape[1]) init_w[:,i] = data[:,point].flatten() else: init_w[:,i] = data[:,clusters==i].mean(1) + eps return init_w
[docs]def initialize_weights_nn(data, means, lognorm=True): """ Initializes the weights with a nearest-neighbor approach using the means. """ # TODO genes, cells = data.shape k = means.shape[1] if lognorm: data = log1p(cell_normalize(data)) for i in range(cells): for j in range(k): pass
def _estimate_w(X, w_init, means, Xsum, update_fn, objective_fn, is_sparse=True, parallel=True, threads=4, method='NoLips', tol=1e-10, disp=False, inner_max_iters=100, output_name='W', regularization=0.0): clusters, cells = w_init.shape if method=='NoLips': nolips_iters = inner_max_iters m_sum = means.sum(0) lams = 1/(2*Xsum) for j in range(nolips_iters): if is_sparse and parallel: w_new = update_fn(, X.indices, X.indptr, X.shape[1], X.shape[0], means, w_init, lams, m_sum, n_threads=threads, regularization=regularization) else: w_new = update_fn(X, means, w_init, Xsum) #w_new = w_res.x.reshape((clusters, cells)) #w_new = w_new/w_new.sum(0) if tol > 0: w_diff = np.sqrt(np.sum((w_new - w_init)**2)/(clusters*cells)) if disp: print('inner iter {0}: w_diff={1}'.format(j, w_diff)) w_init = w_new if w_diff < tol: break else: w_init = w_new elif method=='L-BFGS-B': w_objective = _create_w_objective(means, X) w_bounds = [(0, None) for c in range(clusters*cells)] w_res = minimize(w_objective, w_init.flatten(), method='L-BFGS-B', jac=True, bounds=w_bounds, options={'disp':disp, 'maxiter':inner_max_iters}) w_new = w_res.x.reshape((clusters, cells)) w_init = w_new return w_new def _call_sparse_obj(X, M, W): return sparse_objective(, X.indices, X.indptr, X.shape[1], X.shape[0], M, W)
[docs]def initialize_means_weights(data, clusters, init_means=None, init_weights=None, initialization='tsvd', max_assign_weight=0.75): """ Generates initial means and weights for state estimation. """ genes, cells = data.shape if init_means is None: if init_weights is not None: if len(init_weights.shape)==1: means = initialize_means(data, init_weights, clusters) else: means = initialize_means(data, init_weights.argmax(0), clusters, max_assign_weight=max_assign_weight) elif initialization=='cluster': assignments, means = poisson_cluster(data, clusters) if init_weights is None: init_weights = initialize_from_assignments(assignments, clusters, max_assign_weight=max_assign_weight) elif initialization=='kmpp': means, assignments = kmeans_pp(data, clusters) elif initialization=='km': km = KMeans(clusters) assignments = km.fit_predict(log1p(cell_normalize(data)).T) init_weights = initialize_from_assignments(assignments, clusters, max_assign_weight) means = initialize_means(data, assignments, clusters) elif initialization=='tsvd': n_components = min(50, genes-1) #tsvd = TruncatedSVD(min(50, genes-1)) km = KMeans(clusters) # remove dependence on sklearn tsvd b/c it has a bug that # prevents it from working properly on long inputs # if num elements > 2**31 #data_reduced = tsvd.fit_transform(log1p(cell_normalize(data)).T) U, Sigma, VT = randomized_svd(log1p(cell_normalize(data)).T, n_components) data_reduced = U*Sigma assignments = km.fit_predict(data_reduced) init_weights = initialize_from_assignments(assignments, clusters, max_assign_weight) means = initialize_means(data, assignments, clusters) else: means = init_means.copy() means = means.astype(float) if init_weights is None: if init_means is not None: if initialization == 'cluster': assignments, means = poisson_cluster(data, clusters, init=init_means, max_iters=1) w_init = initialize_from_assignments(assignments, clusters, max_assign_weight) elif initialization == 'km': km = KMeans(clusters, init=log1p(init_means.T), max_iter=1) assignments = km.fit_predict(log1p(cell_normalize(data)).T) w_init = initialize_from_assignments(assignments, clusters, max_assign_weight) else: w_init = np.random.random((clusters, cells)) w_init = w_init/w_init.sum(0) else: w_init = np.random.random((clusters, cells)) w_init = w_init/w_init.sum(0) else: if len(init_weights.shape)==1: init_weights = initialize_from_assignments(init_weights, clusters, max_assign_weight) w_init = init_weights.copy() return means, w_init
[docs]def poisson_estimate_state(data, clusters, init_means=None, init_weights=None, method='NoLips', max_iters=30, tol=1e-10, disp=False, inner_max_iters=100, normalize=True, initialization='tsvd', parallel=True, threads=4, max_assign_weight=0.75, run_w_first=True, constrain_w=False, regularization=0.0): """ Uses a Poisson Covex Mixture model to estimate cell states and cell state mixing weights. To lower computational costs, use a sparse matrix, set disp to False, and set tol to 0. Args: data (array): genes x cells array or sparse matrix. clusters (int): number of mixture components init_means (array, optional): initial centers - genes x clusters. Default: from Poisson kmeans init_weights (array, optional): initial weights - clusters x cells, or assignments as produced by clustering. Default: from Poisson kmeans method (str, optional): optimization method. Current options are 'NoLips' and 'L-BFGS-B'. Default: 'NoLips'. max_iters (int, optional): maximum number of iterations. Default: 30 tol (float, optional): if both M and W change by less than tol (RMSE), then the iteration is stopped. Default: 1e-10 disp (bool, optional): whether or not to display optimization progress. Default: False inner_max_iters (int, optional): Number of iterations to run in the optimization subroutine for M and W. Default: 100 normalize (bool, optional): True if the resulting W should sum to 1 for each cell. Default: True. initialization (str, optional): If initial means and weights are not provided, this describes how they are initialized. Options: 'cluster' (poisson cluster for means and weights), 'kmpp' (kmeans++ for means, random weights), 'km' (regular k-means), 'tsvd' (tsvd(50) + k-means). Default: tsvd. parallel (bool, optional): Whether to use parallel updates (sparse NoLips only). Default: True threads (int, optional): How many threads to use in the parallel computation. Default: 4 max_assign_weight (float, optional): If using a clustering-based initialization, how much weight to assign to the max weight cluster. Default: 0.75 run_w_first (bool, optional): Whether or not to optimize W first (if false, M will be optimized first). Default: True constrain_w (bool, optional): If True, then W is normalized after every iteration. Default: False regularization (float, optional): Regularization coefficient for M and W. Default: 0 (no regularization). Returns: M (array): genes x clusters - state means W (array): clusters x cells - state mixing components for each cell ll (float): final log-likelihood """ genes, cells = data.shape means, w_init = initialize_means_weights(data, clusters, init_means, init_weights, initialization, max_assign_weight) X = data.astype(float) XT = X.T is_sparse = False if sparse.issparse(X): is_sparse = True update_fn = sparse_nolips_update_w # convert to csc X = sparse.csc_matrix(X) XT = sparse.csc_matrix(XT) if parallel: update_fn = parallel_sparse_nolips_update_w Xsum = np.asarray(X.sum(0)).flatten() Xsum_m = np.asarray(X.sum(1)).flatten() # L-BFGS-B won't work right now for sparse matrices method = 'NoLips' objective_fn = _call_sparse_obj else: objective_fn = objective update_fn = nolips_update_w Xsum = X.sum(0) Xsum_m = X.sum(1) # If method is NoLips, converting to a sparse matrix # will always improve the performance (?) and never lower accuracy... # will almost always improve performance? # if sparsity is below 40%? if method == 'NoLips': if np.count_nonzero(X) < 0.4*genes*cells: is_sparse = True X = sparse.csc_matrix(X) XT = sparse.csc_matrix(XT) update_fn = sparse_nolips_update_w if parallel: update_fn = parallel_sparse_nolips_update_w objective_fn = _call_sparse_obj w_new = w_init for i in range(max_iters): # TODO: write progress if disp: print('iter: {0}'.format(i)) if run_w_first: # step 1: given M, estimate W w_new = _estimate_w(X, w_new, means, Xsum, update_fn, objective_fn, is_sparse, parallel, threads, method, tol, disp, inner_max_iters, 'W', regularization) if constrain_w: w_new = w_new/w_new.sum(0) if disp: w_ll = objective_fn(X, means, w_new) print('Finished updating W. Objective value: {0}'.format(w_ll)) # step 2: given W, update M means = _estimate_w(XT, means.T, w_new.T, Xsum_m, update_fn, objective_fn, is_sparse, parallel, threads, method, tol, disp, inner_max_iters, 'M', regularization) means = means.T if disp: w_ll = objective_fn(X, means, w_new) print('Finished updating M. Objective value: {0}'.format(w_ll)) else: # step 1: given W, update M means = _estimate_w(XT, means.T, w_new.T, Xsum_m, update_fn, objective_fn, is_sparse, parallel, threads, method, tol, disp, inner_max_iters, 'M', regularization) means = means.T if disp: w_ll = objective_fn(X, means, w_new) print('Finished updating M. Objective value: {0}'.format(w_ll)) # step 2: given M, estimate W w_new = _estimate_w(X, w_new, means, Xsum, update_fn, objective_fn, is_sparse, parallel, threads, method, tol, disp, inner_max_iters, 'W', regularization) if constrain_w: w_new = w_new/w_new.sum(0) if disp: w_ll = objective_fn(X, means, w_new) print('Finished updating W. Objective value: {0}'.format(w_ll)) if normalize: w_new = w_new/w_new.sum(0) m_ll = objective_fn(X, means, w_new) return means, w_new, m_ll