Source code for uncurl.preprocessing

Misc functions...

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

from uncurl.sparse_utils import sparse_cell_normalize, sparse_means_var_csc

[docs]def sparse_mean_var(data): """ Calculates the variance for each row of a sparse matrix, using the relationship Var = E[x^2] - E[x]^2. Returns: pair of matrices mean, variance. """ data = sparse.csc_matrix(data) return sparse_means_var_csc(, data.indices, data.indptr, data.shape[1], data.shape[0])
[docs]def max_variance_genes(data, nbins=5, frac=0.2): """ This function identifies the genes that have the max variance across a number of bins sorted by mean. Args: data (array): genes x cells nbins (int): number of bins to sort genes by mean expression level. Default: 10. frac (float): fraction of genes to return per bin - between 0 and 1. Default: 0.1 Returns: list of gene indices (list of ints) """ # TODO: profile, make more efficient for large matrices # 8000 cells: 0.325 seconds # top time: sparse.csc_tocsr, csc_matvec, astype, copy, mul_scalar # 73233 cells: 5.347 seconds, 4.762 s in sparse_var # csc_tocsr: 1.736 s # copy: 1.028 s # astype: 0.999 s # there is almost certainly something superlinear in this method # maybe it's to_csr? indices = [] if sparse.issparse(data): means, var = sparse_mean_var(data) else: means = data.mean(1) var = data.var(1) mean_indices = means.argsort() n_elements = int(data.shape[0]/nbins) frac_elements = int(n_elements*frac) for i in range(nbins): bin_i = mean_indices[i*n_elements : (i+1)*n_elements] if i==nbins-1: bin_i = mean_indices[i*n_elements :] var_i = var[bin_i] var_sorted = var_i.argsort() top_var_indices = var_sorted[len(bin_i) - frac_elements:] ind = bin_i[top_var_indices] # filter out genes with zero variance ind = [index for index in ind if var[index]>0] indices.extend(ind) return indices
[docs]def cell_normalize(data): """ Returns the data where the expression is normalized so that the total count per cell is equal. """ if sparse.issparse(data): data = sparse.csc_matrix(data.astype(float)) # normalize in-place sparse_cell_normalize(, data.indices, data.indptr, data.shape[1], data.shape[0]) return data data_norm = data.astype(float) total_umis = [] for i in range(data.shape[1]): di = data_norm[:,i] total_umis.append(di.sum()) di /= total_umis[i] med = np.median(total_umis) data_norm *= med return data_norm
[docs]def log1p(data): """ Returns ln(data+1), whether the original data is dense or sparse. """ if sparse.issparse(data): return data.log1p() else: return np.log1p(data)