Source code for uncurl.nmf_wrapper

# wrapper for various NMF methods

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from sklearn.decomposition import NMF, non_negative_factorization

from .preprocessing import log1p, cell_normalize
from .state_estimation import initialize_from_assignments

[docs]def nmf_init(data, clusters, k, init='enhanced'): """ Generates initial M and W given a data set and an array of cluster labels. There are 3 options for init: enhanced - uses EIn-NMF from Gong 2013 basic - uses means for M, assigns W such that the chosen cluster for a given cell has value 0.75 and all others have 0.25/(k-1). nmf - uses means for M, and assigns W using the NMF objective while holding M constant. """ init_m = np.zeros((data.shape[0], k)) if sparse.issparse(data): for i in range(k): if data[:,clusters==i].shape[1]==0: point = np.random.randint(0, data.shape[1]) init_m[:,i] = data[:,point].toarray().flatten() else: init_m[:,i] = np.array(data[:,clusters==i].mean(1)).flatten() else: for i in range(k): if data[:,clusters==i].shape[1]==0: point = np.random.randint(0, data.shape[1]) init_m[:,i] = data[:,point].flatten() else: init_m[:,i] = data[:,clusters==i].mean(1) init_w = np.zeros((k, data.shape[1])) if init == 'enhanced': distances = np.zeros((k, data.shape[1])) for i in range(k): for j in range(data.shape[1]): distances[i,j] = np.sqrt(((data[:,j] - init_m[:,i])**2).sum()) for i in range(k): for j in range(data.shape[1]): init_w[i,j] = 1/((distances[:,j]/distances[i,j])**(-2)).sum() elif init == 'basic': init_w = initialize_from_assignments(clusters, k) elif init == 'nmf': init_w_, _, n_iter = non_negative_factorization(data.T, n_components=k, init='custom', update_W=False, W=init_m.T) init_w = init_w_.T return init_m, init_w
# TODO: initialization if init_w is a cluster list?
[docs]def log_norm_nmf(data, k, normalize_w=True, return_cost=True, init_weights=None, init_means=None, **kwargs): """ Args: data (array): dense or sparse array with shape (genes, cells) k (int): number of cell types normalize_w (bool, optional): True if W should be normalized (so that each column sums to 1). Default: True return_cost (bool, optional): True if the NMF objective value (squared error) should be returned. Default: True init_weights (array, optional): Initial value for W. Default: None init_means (array, optional): Initial value for M. Default: None **kwargs: misc arguments to NMF Returns: Two matrices M of shape (genes, k) and W of shape (k, cells). They correspond to M and M in Poisson state estimation. If return_cost is True (which it is by default), then the cost will also be returned. This might be prohibitably costly """ init = None if init_weights is not None or init_means is not None: init = 'custom' if init_weights is None: init_weights_, _, n_iter = non_negative_factorization(data.T, n_components=k, init='custom', update_W=False, W=init_means.T) init_weights = init_weights_.T elif init_means is None: init_means, _, n_iter = non_negative_factorization(data, n_components=k, init='custom', update_W=False, W=init_weights) nmf = NMF(k, init=init, **kwargs) data = log1p(cell_normalize(data)) M = nmf.fit_transform(data, W=init_means, H=init_weights) W = nmf.components_ if normalize_w: W = W/W.sum(0) if return_cost: cost = 0 if sparse.issparse(data): ws = sparse.csr_matrix(M) hs = sparse.csr_matrix(W) cost = 0.5*((data - else: cost = 0.5*((data -**2).sum() return M, W, cost else: return M, W
# TODO: initialization
[docs]def norm_nmf(data, k, init_weights=None, init_means=None, normalize_w=True, **kwargs): """ Args: data (array): dense or sparse array with shape (genes, cells) k (int): number of cell types normalize_w (bool): True if W should be normalized (so that each column sums to 1) init_weights (array, optional): Initial value for W. Default: None init_means (array, optional): Initial value for M. Default: None **kwargs: misc arguments to NMF Returns: Two matrices M of shape (genes, k) and W of shape (k, cells) """ init = None if init_weights is not None or init_means is not None: init = 'custom' if init_weights is None: init_weights_, _, n_iter = non_negative_factorization(data.T, n_components=k, init='custom', update_W=False, W=init_means.T) init_weights = init_weights_.T elif init_means is None: init_means, _, n_iter = non_negative_factorization(data, n_components=k, init='custom', update_W=False, W=init_weights) nmf = NMF(k, init=init, **kwargs) data = log1p(cell_normalize(data)) M = nmf.fit_transform(data, W=init_means, H=init_weights) W = nmf.components_ if normalize_w: W = W/W.sum(0) return M, W