Source code for uncurl.experiment_runner

# general framework for running purity experiments on 10x dataset

# two steps: dimensionality reduction/preprocessing, and clustering
# preprocessing -> dim_red -> clustering?
# ex. uncurl_mw -> tsne -> km???

# preprocessing returns a matrix of shape (k, cells), where k <= genes
from __future__ import print_function

import time
import sys

    # optional dependencies...
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.special import log1p

from sklearn.metrics.cluster import normalized_mutual_info_score as nmi
from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_rand_score as ari

from sklearn.decomposition import NMF, TruncatedSVD, PCA
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans, DBSCAN
from sklearn.cluster.bicluster import SpectralBiclustering, SpectralCoclustering

    import Cluster_Ensembles as CE

# optional dependencies?
    import SIMLR
    from ZIFA import ZIFA
    from ZIFA import block_ZIFA
    # optional dependencies?

# magic (requires python 3)
    import pandas as pd
    import magic

from .state_estimation import poisson_estimate_state
from .dimensionality_reduction import dim_reduce
from .evaluation import purity, nne
from .preprocessing import cell_normalize
    from . import ensemble
    from .ensemble import nmf_ensemble, nmf_kfold, nmf_tsne, poisson_se_tsne, poisson_se_multiclust, lightlda_se_tsne
    print('unable to import ensemble methods.')
from .clustering import poisson_cluster
from .lightlda_utils import lightlda_estimate_state
from .plda_utils import plda_estimate_state
from .vis import visualize_dim_red

from uncurl.sparse_utils import symmetric_kld, jensen_shannon

[docs]class Preprocess(object): """ Pre-processing methods take in a genes x cells data matrix of integer counts, and return a k x cells matrix, where k <= genes. Preprocessing methods can return multiple outputs. the outputs are If k=2, then the method can be used for visualization... This class represents a 'blank' preprocessing. """ def __init__(self, **params): if 'output_names' in params: self.output_names = params['output_names'] params.pop('output_names') self.params = params if not hasattr(self, 'output_names'): self.output_names = ['Data']
[docs] def run(self, data): """ should return a list of output matrices of the same length as self.output_names, and an objective value. data is of shape (genes, cells). """ return [data], 0
[docs]class Log(Preprocess): """ Takes the natural log of the data+1. """ def __init__(self, **params): self.output_names = ['LogData'] super(Log, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): if sparse.issparse(data): return [data.log1p()], 0 else: return [np.log1p(data)], 0
[docs]class LogNorm(Preprocess): """ First, normalizes the counts per cell, and then takes log(normalized_counts+1). """ def __init__(self, **params): self.output_names = ['LogNorm'] super(LogNorm, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): data_norm = cell_normalize(data) if sparse.issparse(data_norm): return [data_norm.log1p()], 0 else: return [np.log1p(data_norm)], 0
[docs]class TSVD(Preprocess): """ Runs truncated SVD on the data. the input param k is the number of dimensions. """ def __init__(self, **params): self.output_names = ['TSVD'] self.tsvd = TruncatedSVD(params['k']) super(TSVD, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): return [self.tsvd.fit_transform(data.T).T], 0
[docs]class Tsne(Preprocess): """ 2d tsne dimensionality reduction - tsne always uses 2d metric is a string that could be any metric usable with tsne, or 'kld' or 'jensen-shannon' """ def __init__(self, metric='euclidean', **params): """ metric (str) can be any metric usable with tsne. """ self.output_names = ['TSNE'] if metric != 'euclidean': self.output_names = ['TSNE_' + metric] if metric=='kld': metric = symmetric_kld elif metric == 'jensen-shannon': metric = jensen_shannon self.tsne = TSNE(2, metric=metric) super(Tsne, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): if sparse.issparse(data): data = data.toarray() return [self.tsne.fit_transform(data.T).T], 0
[docs]class Pca(Preprocess): """ PCA preprocessing """ def __init__(self, **params): self.output_names = ['PCA'] self.pca = PCA(params['k']) super(Pca, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): if sparse.issparse(data): data = data.toarray() return [self.pca.fit_transform(data.T).T], 0
[docs]class Zifa(Preprocess): """ ZIFA preprocessing """ def __init__(self, **params): self.output_names = ['ZIFA'] self.k = params['k'] super(Zifa, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): if sparse.issparse(data): data = data.toarray() data = np.log1p(data) Z, model_params = block_ZIFA.fitModel(data.T, self.k) return [Z.T], 0
[docs]class PoissonSE(Preprocess): """ Runs Poisson State Estimation, returning W and MW. Requires a 'k' parameter. Optional args: return_m=True: returns M in outputs return_mw=True: returns MW in outputs """ def __init__(self, return_w=True, return_m=False, return_mw=False, return_mds=False, normalize_data=False, **params): self.output_names = [] self.return_w = return_w if return_w: self.output_names.append('Poisson_W') self.return_m = return_m if return_m: self.output_names.append('Poisson_M') self.return_mw = return_mw if return_mw: self.output_names.append('Poisson_MW') self.return_mds = return_mds if return_mds: self.output_names.append('Poisson_MDS') self.normalize_data = normalize_data super(PoissonSE, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): """ Returns: list of W, M*W ll """ if self.normalize_data: data = cell_normalize(data) M, W, ll = poisson_estimate_state(data, **self.params) outputs = [] if self.return_w: outputs.append(W) if self.return_m: outputs.append(M) if self.return_mw: outputs.append( if self.return_mds: X = dim_reduce(M, W, 2) outputs.append( return outputs, ll
[docs]class LightLDASE(Preprocess): """ Runs LightLDA State Estimation, returning W and MW. Requires a 'k' parameter. """ def __init__(self, **params): self.output_names = ['LightLDA_W'] self.return_w = True self.return_m = False self.return_mw = False self.return_mds = False if 'return_mw' in params and params['return_mw']: self.output_names.append('LightLDA_MW') self.return_mw = True params.pop('return_mw') if 'return_mds' in params and params['return_mds']: self.output_names.append('LightLDA_MDS') self.return_mds = True params.pop('return_mds') super(LightLDASE, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): M, W, ll = lightlda_estimate_state(data, **self.params) output = [W] if self.return_mw: output.append( if self.return_mds: X = dim_reduce(M, W, 2) output.append( return output, ll
[docs]class PLDASE(Preprocess): """ Runs PLDA State Estimation, returning W and MW. Requires a 'k' parameter. """ def __init__(self, **params): self.output_names = ['PLDA_W'] if 'return_mw' in params and params['return_mw']: self.output_names.append('PLDA_MW') self.return_mw = True params.pop('return_mw') if 'return_mds' in params and params['return_mds']: self.output_names.append('PLDA_MDS') self.return_mds = True params.pop('return_mds') super(PLDASE, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): M, W = plda_estimate_state(data, **self.params) output = [W] if self.return_mw: output.append( if self.return_mds: X = dim_reduce(M, W, 2) output.append( return output, 0
[docs]class EnsembleTsneLightLDASE(Preprocess): """ Runs tsne-based LightLDA Poisson state estimation """ def __init__(self, **params): self.output_names = ['LightLDA_Ensemble_W'] if 'return_mw' in params and params['return_mw']: self.output_names.append('LightLDA_Ensemble_MW') self.return_mw = True params.pop('return_mw') if 'return_mds' in params and params['return_mds']: self.output_names.append('LightLDA_Ensemble_MDS') self.return_mds = True params.pop('return_mds') super(EnsembleTsneLightLDASE, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): M, W, ll = lightlda_se_tsne(data, **self.params) output = [W] if self.return_mw: output.append( if self.return_mds: X = dim_reduce(M, W, 2) output.append( return output, ll
[docs]class LogNMF(Preprocess): """ Runs NMF on log(normalize(data)+1), returning H and W*H. Requires a 'k' parameter, which is the rank of the matrices. """ def __init__(self, return_h=True, return_w=False, return_mds=False, return_wh=False, **params): super(LogNMF, self).__init__(**params) self.output_names = [] self.nmf = NMF(params['k']) self.return_h = return_h if return_h: self.output_names.append('logNMF_H') self.return_w = return_w if return_w: self.output_names.append('logNMF_W') self.return_mds = return_mds if return_mds: self.output_names.append('logNMF_MDS') self.return_wh = return_wh if return_wh: self.output_names.append('logNMF_WH')
[docs] def run(self, data): data_norm = cell_normalize(data) if sparse.issparse(data_norm): data_norm = data_norm.log1p() else: data_norm = log1p(data_norm) W = self.nmf.fit_transform(data_norm) H = self.nmf.components_ if sparse.issparse(data_norm): cost = 0 #ws = sparse.csr_matrix(W) #hs = sparse.csr_matrix(H) #cost = 0.5*((data_norm - else: cost = 0.5*((data_norm -**2).sum() if 'normalize_h' in self.params: print('normalize h') H = H/H.sum(0) output = [] if self.return_h: output.append(H) if self.return_w: output.append(W) if self.return_wh: output.append( if self.return_mds: X = dim_reduce(W, H, 2) output.append( return output, cost
[docs]class BasicNMF(Preprocess): """ Runs NMF on data, returning H and W*H. Requires a 'k' parameter, which is the rank of the matrices. """ def __init__(self, return_h=True, return_w=False, return_mds=False, return_wh=False, **params): super(BasicNMF, self).__init__(**params) self.nmf = NMF(params['k']) self.output_names = [] self.return_h = return_h if return_h: self.output_names.append('NMF_H') self.return_w = return_w if return_w: self.output_names.append('NMF_W') self.return_mds = return_mds if return_mds: self.output_names.append('NMF_MDS') self.return_wh = return_wh if return_wh: self.output_names.append('NMF_WH')
[docs] def run(self, data): data_norm = cell_normalize(data) W = self.nmf.fit_transform(data_norm) H = self.nmf.components_ if sparse.issparse(data): ws = sparse.csr_matrix(W) hs = sparse.csr_matrix(H) cost = 0.5*((data - else: cost = 0.5*((data -**2).sum() if 'normalize_h' in self.params: H = H/H.sum(0) output = [] if self.return_h: output.append(H) if self.return_w: output.append(W) if self.return_wh: output.append( if self.return_mds: X = dim_reduce(W, H, 2) output.append( return output, cost
[docs]class EnsembleNMF(Preprocess): """ Runs Ensemble NMF on log(data+1), returning the consensus results for H and W*H. Requires a 'k' parameter, which is the rank of the matrices. """ def __init__(self, **params): self.output_names = ['H', 'WH'] super(EnsembleNMF, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): data_norm = cell_normalize(data) if sparse.issparse(data_norm): data_norm = data_norm.log1p() else: data_norm = log1p(data_norm) W, H = nmf_ensemble(data_norm, **self.params) if sparse.issparse(data_norm): ws = sparse.csr_matrix(W) hs = sparse.csr_matrix(H) cost = 0.5*((data_norm - else: cost = 0.5*((data_norm -**2).sum() return [H,], cost
[docs]class KFoldNMF(Preprocess): """ Runs K-fold ensemble NMF on log(data+1), returning the consensus results for H and W*H. Requires a 'k' parameter, which is the rank of the matrices. """ def __init__(self, **params): self.output_names = ['H', 'WH'] super(KFoldNMF, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): data_norm = cell_normalize(data) if sparse.issparse(data_norm): data_norm = data_norm.log1p() else: data_norm = log1p(data_norm) W, H = nmf_kfold(data_norm, **self.params) if sparse.issparse(data_norm): ws = sparse.csr_matrix(W) hs = sparse.csr_matrix(H) cost = 0.5*((data_norm - else: cost = 0.5*((data_norm -**2).sum() return [H,], cost
[docs]class EnsembleTsneNMF(Preprocess): """ Runs tsne-based ensemble NMF """ def __init__(self, **params): self.output_names = ['Ensemble_NMF_H', 'Ensemble_NMF_WH'] super(EnsembleTsneNMF, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): data_norm = cell_normalize(data) if sparse.issparse(data_norm): data_norm = data_norm.log1p() else: data_norm = log1p(data_norm) W, H = nmf_tsne(data_norm, **self.params) if sparse.issparse(data_norm): ws = sparse.csr_matrix(W) hs = sparse.csr_matrix(H) cost = 0.5*((data_norm - else: cost = 0.5*((data_norm -**2).sum() return [H,], cost
[docs]class EnsembleTsnePoissonSE(Preprocess): """ Runs tsne-based ensemble Poisson state estimation """ def __init__(self, **params): self.output_names = ['Ensemble_W', 'Ensemble_MW'] super(EnsembleTsnePoissonSE, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): M, W, obj = poisson_se_tsne(data, **self.params) outputs = [] outputs.append(W) if 'return_m' in self.params and self.params['return_m']: outputs.append(M) if 'return_mw' in self.params and self.params['return_mw']: outputs.append( return outputs, obj
[docs]class EnsembleTSVDPoissonSE(Preprocess): """ Runs Poisson state estimation initialized from 8 runs of tsvd-km. params: k - dimensionality """ def __init__(self, **params): self.output_names = ['TSVDEnsemble_W'] self.return_m = False self.return_mw = False self.return_mds = False if 'return_m' in params and params['return_m']: self.output_names.append('TSVDEnsemble_M') self.return_m = True params.pop('return_m') if 'return_mw' in params and params['return_mw']: self.output_names.append('TSVDEnsemble_MW') self.return_mw = True params.pop('return_mw') if 'return_mds' in params and params['return_mds']: self.output_names.append('TSVDEnsemble_MDS') self.return_mds = True params.pop('return_mds') super(EnsembleTSVDPoissonSE, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): M, W, obj = poisson_se_multiclust(data, **self.params) outputs = [] outputs.append(W) if self.return_m: outputs.append(M) if self.return_mw: outputs.append( if self.return_mds: X = dim_reduce(M, W, 2) outputs.append( return outputs, obj
[docs]class EnsembleClusterPoissonSE(Preprocess): """ Runs Poisson state estimation initialized from the consensus of 10 runs of Poisson KM. params: k - dimensionality """ def __init__(self, **params): self.output_names = ['ConsensusPoisson_W'] self.return_m = False self.return_mw = False self.return_mds = False if 'return_m' in params and params['return_m']: self.output_names.append('ConsensusPoisson_M') self.return_m = True params.pop('return_m') if 'return_mw' in params and params['return_mw']: self.output_names.append('ConsensusPoisson_MW') self.return_mw = True params.pop('return_mw') if 'return_mds' in params and params['return_mds']: self.output_names.append('ConsensusPoisson_MDS') self.return_mds = True params.pop('return_mds') super(EnsembleClusterPoissonSE, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): # make the data sparse for runtime improvements in poisson clustering data = sparse.csc_matrix(data) M, W, obj = ensemble.poisson_consensus_se(data, **self.params) outputs = [] outputs.append(W) if self.return_m: outputs.append(M) if self.return_mw: outputs.append( if self.return_mds: X = dim_reduce(M, W, 2) outputs.append( return outputs, obj
[docs]class Simlr(Preprocess): def __init__(self, **params): self.output_names = ['PCA50_SIMLR'] # TODO: make params tunable... what do these numbers even mean??? self.simlr = SIMLR.SIMLR_LARGE(params['k'], 30, 0) super(Simlr, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): X_log = np.log1p(data) if 'n_pca_components' in self.params: n_components = self.params['n_pca_components'] else: n_components = 50 X = SIMLR.helper.fast_pca(X_log.T, n_components) S, F, val, ind = return [F.T], 0
[docs]class SimlrSmall(Preprocess): """ Simlr for small-scale datasets (no PCA preprocessing) """ def __init__(self, **params): self.output_names = ['SIMLR'] # TODO: make params tunable... what do these numbers even mean??? self.simlr = SIMLR.SIMLR(params['k'], 30, 0) super(Simlr, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): X = np.log1p(data) # TODO: the python implementation of simlr only contains the # large-scale (PCA-dependent) methods. if 'n_pca_components' in self.params: n_components = self.params['n_pca_components'] else: n_components = 50 X = SIMLR.helper.fast_pca(data.T, n_components) S, F, val, ind = return [F.T], 0
[docs]class Magic(Preprocess): # TODO: this requires python 3 def __init__(self, use_magic=True, use_tsne=False, use_pca=False, **params): self.output_names = [] self.use_magic = use_magic self.use_tsne = use_tsne self.use_pca = use_pca if self.use_magic: self.output_names.append('magic') if self.use_tsne: self.output_names.append('magic_tsne') if self.use_pca: self.output_names.append('magic_pca') super(Magic, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): if 'n_pca_components' in self.params: n_components = self.params['n_pca_components'] else: n_components = 20 if sparse.issparse(data): data = data.toarray() data_array = pd.DataFrame(data.T) data_array.columns = data_array.columns.astype(str) scdata =, data_type='sc-seq') scdata = scdata.normalize_scseq_data() scdata.run_magic(n_pca_components=n_components, random_pca=True, t=6, k=30, ka=10, epsilon=1, rescale_percent=99) #scdata.run_tsne() outputs = [] if self.use_magic: outputs.append( if self.use_tsne: scdata.magic.run_tsne() outputs.append(scdata.magic.tsne.as_matrix().T) if self.use_pca: scdata.magic.run_pca() outputs.append(scdata.magic.pca.as_matrix().T) return outputs, 0
[docs]class LoadPreproc(Preprocess): """ takes preprocessed data matrix, just return that when run is called """ def __init__(self, datasets, **params): self.datasets = datasets super(LoadPreproc, self).__init__(**params)
[docs] def run(self, data): return self.datasets, 0
[docs]class Cluster(object): """ Clustering methods take in a matrix of shape k x cells, and return an array of integers in (0, n_classes-1). They should be able to run on the output of pre-processing... """ def __init__(self, n_classes, **params): self.n_classes = n_classes = '' if 'name' in params: = params.pop('name') self.params = params
[docs] def run(self, data): pass
[docs]class Argmax(Cluster): def __init__(self, n_classes, **params): super(Argmax, self).__init__(n_classes, **params) = 'argmax'
[docs] def run(self, data): assert(data.shape[0]==self.n_classes) return data.argmax(0)
[docs]class KM(Cluster): """ k-means clustering """ def __init__(self, n_classes, **params): super(KM, self).__init__(n_classes, **params) = 'km' = KMeans(n_classes)
[docs] def run(self, data): return
[docs]class DBScan(Cluster): """ dbscan clustering """ def __init__(self, n_classes, **params): super(DBScan, self).__init__(n_classes, **params) = 'dbscan' self.dbscan = DBSCAN()
[docs] def run(self, data): return self.dbscan.fit_predict(data.T)
[docs]class PoissonCluster(Cluster): """ Poisson k-means clustering """ def __init__(self, n_classes, **params): super(PoissonCluster, self).__init__(n_classes, **params) = 'poisson_km'
[docs] def run(self, data): assignments, means = poisson_cluster(data, self.n_classes, **self.params) return assignments
[docs]class PcaKm(Cluster): """ PCA + kmeans Requires a parameter k, where k is the dimensionality of PCA. """ def __init__(self, n_classes, use_log=False, name='pca_km', **params): super(PcaKm, self).__init__(n_classes, **params) self.use_log = use_log self.pca = PCA(params['k']) = KMeans(n_classes) = name
[docs] def run(self, data): if sparse.issparse(data): data = data.toarray() if self.use_log: data = log1p(data) data_pca = self.pca.fit_transform(data.T) labels = return labels
[docs]class TsneKm(Cluster): """ TSNE(2) + Kmeans """ def __init__(self, n_classes, use_log=False, name='tsne_km', metric='euclidean', use_exp=False, **params): super(TsneKm, self).__init__(n_classes, **params) self.use_log=use_log if metric=='kld': metric = symmetric_kld if 'k' in self.params: self.tsne = TSNE(self.params['k'], metric=metric) else: self.tsne = TSNE(2, metric=metric) = KMeans(n_classes) = name self.use_exp = use_exp
[docs] def run(self, data): if sparse.issparse(data): data = data.toarray() if self.use_log: data = log1p(data) if self.use_exp: data = (10**data) - 1 data_tsne = self.tsne.fit_transform(data.T) labels = return labels
[docs]class SimlrKm(Cluster): """ Fast minibatch Kmeans from the simlr library """ def __init__(self, n_classes, **params): super(SimlrKm, self).__init__(n_classes, **params) self.simlr = SIMLR.SIMLR_LARGE(8, 30, 0) = 'km'
[docs] def run(self, data): y_pred = self.simlr.fast_minibatch_kmeans(data.T, 8) return y_pred.flatten()
[docs]class Bicluster(Cluster): """ Spectral Biclustering """ def __init__(self, n_classes, n_gene_classes=10, **params): super(Bicluster, self).__init__(n_classes, **params) self.n_gene_classes = n_gene_classes = 'SpectralBicluster'
[docs] def run(self, data): bc = SpectralBiclustering(n_clusters=(self.n_gene_classes, self.n_classes)) gene_clusters = bc.row_labels_ cell_clusters = bc.column_labels_ return cell_clusters
[docs]class Cocluster(Cluster): """ Spectral Coclustering """ def __init__(self, n_classes, n_gene_classes=10, **params): super(Cocluster, self).__init__(n_classes, **params) self.n_gene_classes = n_gene_classes = 'SpectralCocluster'
[docs] def run(self, data): bc = SpectralCoclustering(n_clusters=(self.n_gene_classes, self.n_classes)) gene_clusters = bc.row_labels_ cell_clusters = bc.column_labels_ return cell_clusters
[docs]def run_experiment(methods, data, n_classes, true_labels, n_runs=10, use_purity=True, use_nmi=False, use_ari=False, use_nne=False, consensus=False): """ runs a pre-processing + clustering experiment... exactly one of use_purity, use_nmi, or use_ari can be true Args: methods: list of 2-tuples. The first element is either a single Preprocess object or a list of Preprocess objects, to be applied in sequence to the data. The second element is either a single Cluster object, a list of Cluster objects, or a list of lists, where each list is a sequence of Preprocess objects with the final element being a Cluster object. data: genes x cells array true_labels: 1d array of length cells consensus: if true, runs a consensus on cluster results for each method at the very end. use_purity, use_nmi, use_ari, use_nne: which error metric to use (at most one can be True) Returns: purities (list of lists) names (list of lists) other (dict): keys: timing, preprocessing, clusterings """ results = [] names = [] clusterings = {} other_results = {} other_results['timing'] = {} other_results['preprocessing'] = {} if use_purity: purity_method = purity elif use_nmi: purity_method = nmi elif use_ari: purity_method = ari elif use_nne: purity_method = nne for i in range(n_runs): print('run {0}'.format(i)) purities = [] r = 0 method_index = 0 for preproc, cluster in methods: t0 = time.time() if isinstance(preproc, Preprocess): preprocessed, ll = output_names = preproc.output_names else: # if the input is a list, only use the first preproc result p1 = data output_names = [''] for p in preproc: p1, ll = p1 = p1[0] if output_names[0] != '': output_names[0] = output_names[0] + '_' + p.output_names[0] else: output_names[0] = p.output_names[0] preprocessed = [p1] t1 = time.time() - t0 for name, pre in zip(output_names, preprocessed): starting_index = method_index if isinstance(cluster, Cluster): #try: t0 = time.time() labels = t2 = t1 + time.time() - t0 if use_nne: purities.append(purity_method(pre, true_labels)) else: purities.append(purity_method(labels, true_labels)) if i==0: names.append(name + '_' + clusterings[names[-1]] = [] other_results['timing'][names[-1]] = [] print(names[r]) clusterings[names[r]].append(labels) print('time: ' + str(t2)) other_results['timing'][names[r]].append(t2) print(purities[-1]) r += 1 method_index += 1 #except: # print('failed to do clustering') elif type(cluster) == list: for c in cluster: if isinstance(c, list): t2 = t1 name2 = name sub_data = pre.copy() for subproc in c[:-1]: t0 = time.time() subproc_out, ll = sub_data = subproc_out[0] name2 = name2 + '_' + subproc.output_names[0] t2 += time.time() - t0 t0 = time.time() labels = c[-1].run(sub_data) t2 += time.time() - t0 if use_nne: purities.append(purity_method(sub_data, true_labels)) else: purities.append(purity_method(labels, true_labels)) if i==0: names.append(name2 + '_' + c[-1].name) clusterings[names[-1]] = [] other_results['timing'][names[-1]] = [] print(names[r]) clusterings[names[r]].append(labels) other_results['timing'][names[r]].append(t2) print('time: ' + str(t2)) print(purities[-1]) r += 1 method_index += 1 else: try: t0 = time.time() labels = t2 = t1 + time.time() - t0 if i==0: names.append(name + '_' + clusterings[names[-1]] = [] other_results['timing'][names[-1]] = [] if use_nne: purities.append(purity_method(pre, true_labels)) else: purities.append(purity_method(labels, true_labels)) print(names[r]) clusterings[names[r]].append(labels) other_results['timing'][names[r]].append(t2) print('time: ' + str(t2)) print(purities[-1]) r += 1 method_index += 1 except: print('failed to do clustering') # find the highest purity for the pre-processing method # save the preprocessing result with the highest NMI num_clustering_results = method_index - starting_index clustering_results = purities[-num_clustering_results:] if i > 0 and len(clustering_results) > 0: old_clustering_results = results[-1][starting_index:method_index] if max(old_clustering_results) < max(clustering_results): other_results['preprocessing'][name] = pre else: other_results['preprocessing'][name] = pre print('\t'.join(names)) print('purities: ' + '\t'.join(map(str, purities))) results.append(purities) consensus_purities = [] if consensus: other_results['consensus'] = {} k = len(np.unique(true_labels)) for name, clusts in clusterings.items(): print(name) clusts = np.vstack(clusts) consensus_clust = CE.cluster_ensembles(clusts, verbose=False, N_clusters_max=k) other_results['consensus'][name] = consensus_clust if use_purity: consensus_purity = purity(consensus_clust.flatten(), true_labels) print('consensus purity: ' + str(consensus_purity)) consensus_purities.append(consensus_purity) if use_nmi: consensus_nmi = nmi(true_labels, consensus_clust) print('consensus NMI: ' + str(consensus_nmi)) consensus_purities.append(consensus_nmi) if use_ari: consensus_ari = ari(true_labels, consensus_clust) print('consensus ARI: ' + str(consensus_ari)) consensus_purities.append(consensus_ari) print('consensus results: ' + '\t'.join(map(str, consensus_purities))) other_results['clusterings'] = clusterings return results, names, other_results
[docs]def generate_visualizations(methods, data, true_labels, base_dir = 'visualizations', figsize=(18,10), **scatter_options): """ Generates visualization scatters for all the methods. Args: methods: follows same format as run_experiments. List of tuples. data: genes x cells true_labels: array of integers base_dir: base directory to save all the plots figsize: tuple of ints representing size of figure scatter_options: options for plt.scatter """ plt.figure(figsize=figsize) for method in methods: preproc= method[0] if isinstance(preproc, Preprocess): preprocessed, ll = output_names = preproc.output_names else: # if the input is a list, only use the first preproc result p1 = data output_names = [''] for p in preproc: p1, ll = p1 = p1[0] output_names[0] = output_names[0] + p.output_names[0] preprocessed = [p1] for r, name in zip(preprocessed, output_names): # TODO: cluster labels print(name) # if it's 2d, just display it... else, do tsne to reduce to 2d if r.shape[0]==2: r_dim_red = r else: # sometimes the data is too big to do tsne... (for sklearn) if sparse.issparse(r) and r.shape[0] > 100: name = 'tsvd_' + name tsvd = TruncatedSVD(50) r_dim_red = tsvd.fit_transform(r.T) try: tsne = TSNE(2) r_dim_red = tsne.fit_transform(r_dim_red).T name = 'tsne_' + name except: tsvd2 = TruncatedSVD(2) r_dim_red = tsvd2.fit_transform(r_dim_red).T else: name = 'tsne_' + name tsne = TSNE(2) r_dim_red = tsne.fit_transform(r.T).T if isinstance(method[1], list): for clustering_method in method[1]: try: cluster_labels = except: print('clustering failed') continue output_path = base_dir + '/{0}_{1}_labels.png'.format(name, visualize_dim_red(r_dim_red, cluster_labels, output_path, **scatter_options) else: clustering_method = method[1] try: cluster_labels = except: print('clustering failed') continue output_path = base_dir + '/{0}_{1}_labels.png'.format(name, visualize_dim_red(r_dim_red, cluster_labels, output_path, **scatter_options) output_path = base_dir + '/{0}_true_labels.png'.format(name) visualize_dim_red(r_dim_red, true_labels, output_path, **scatter_options)